“Volga Region Oil” company laid the exploration well number 10 in the South Coastal area

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“Volga Region Oil” company laid the exploration well number 10 in the South Coastal area

The company continues to explore and develop the licensed South Coastal (Yuzhno-Pribrezhnoye) subsoil area located in the Rivne region of the Saratov region. Exploration well number 10 with a design depth of 3250 meters was laid by the “Volga Region Oil”.

The associated task of building an exploratory well is the study of new reservoir formations in the mid- and lower carboniferous complex of rocks, due to their regional productivity. For the works, the ISTOD method will be used.

The results of exploratory drilling, conducted research and test operation of open deposits in the wells number 1, number 4 and number 10 will allow an objective assessment of the area of oil content of open deposits, parameters of oil-saturated formations and clarify the position of VNC.

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